Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Rorkes Drift Wagons

zulu war wagons, originally uploaded by MrTeld.

I finely finished varnishing the wagons for the Rorke, s Drift game this morning, the green looks a little bright in the pictures due to the flash on the camera, the colour looks much better in natural light, but you will just have to take my word for that.

I went with the traditional Boer red and green colour scheme for the Boer wagons. For the general service wagon I went with vallajo military green. Having only found pictures of  general service wagons in this ww1 Green colour scheme and having found no data in my books  as to the colour of the British army livery during this period I went with what I could find.

Some of the pictures of  the Boer and general sevice wagons that I used for colour reference can be found at the following links :

 Boer Wagon

 General Service Wagon



  1. They look good. I think taking photos to present stuff is a difficult one. I use two normal light bulbs, left and right and use the longest macro function and then zoom the pics. Flash tends to dull the colours too much.

  2. Thanks Paul

    I have a couple of lamps that I normally use for taking pictures but they are at the bottom of a pile of rubish in my workroom at the present time.
    I will take your advice ref using the zoom with the macro function cheers.

  3. very nice, another reference for the wagon colours used in south africa is the contempory artwork of Thomas Baines , if you google him in images you should be able to find a couple of paintings.

  4. Cheers Mors will give that a try
