This Blog is simply a place to post the progress on my little project. “The Zulu war in miniature”, as the name suggests it’s the collecting / painting and playing with toy soldiers or miniatures. The plan is to be able to keep it updated regularly with lots of pictures and the odd bit of boring text. To that end I have been busy behind the scenes for the last year making some small progress with the project so there should be plenty of pictures to post in the coming weeks and months.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
W.I.P the Storehouse update 2
A very quick update tonight
Over the last couple of days I have manage to finish all the clading and I have given it a couple of coats of paint.
Still need to give it a proper paint job , but first there are the doors and windows to finish plus the staircase on the side. Then work can start on the thatch roof
Saturday, 26 February 2011
W.I.P the Storehouse update 1
I calculated that I had enough pieces cast to clad the storehouse, but I forgot to take into account the pieces I had used on the cookhouse and the experimental piece. So I had to switch to casting new pieces of linka.
In between casting more linka pieces I.E while waiting to de mould newly cast pieces. I managed to do the floorboards. As this was originally a storeroom before the Rev Witt turned it into a meeting room, I have made the floorboards a little rough as I imagine floorboards would be in a provincial storeroom of the period.
Even though I had to stop to cast a load of new linka pieces I still managed to clad about 70% of the storehouse. Unfortunately though I will now have to wait a full day for the new pieces to dry enough for me to be able to use them.
After the cladding is finished I will then go around the building filling all the gaps where the linka pieces have not butted up to one another fully, and then finish off the rest of the windows and doors.
After that there is the outside staircase to be made and then of course I have the roof to make a start on.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
W.I.P the Storehouse
Just the basic foamcore structure so far, I borrowed some silicone glue substitute from my parents who make cards, and who recommend this glue for card craft as this was the ideal situation to give it a try on foamcore and see how it performed.
The glue is called Pin flair glue gel and it seems to be doing a good job. I have put it aside overnight to dry fully but the structure seamed quite solid after an hour when I went back to check that nothing had slipped out of place.
UPDATE 25th Feb : As I had to edit the post to insert the name of the glue I will take the opportunity to post a quick update. The glue has fully dried now and the bond is very good indeed I have removed all the pins that I used to hold it all in place while the glue dried, and there is no movement or loose joints. I will definitely look at buying a tube of this glue to see if it has other applications within model making.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Collapsed Bell Tents for the Rorke's Drift game.
To complement the Rendra tents I posted a few weeks ago http://zuluwarminiature.blogspot.com/2011/02/renedra-bell-tents.html
I have made four collapsed bell tents to be used in place of the four rendra tents for marking the position of the abandoned camp at Rorke,s Drift.
The tents will initially be used in the Hollywood version of the game as if memory serves me right the tents were just collapsed in the film.
With regard to the historical battle I am still trying to determine if the camp was fully struck or if the bell tents were just collapsed before starting work on the more vital barricades. Initially the plan was to strike the camp in preparation of abandoning the drift;
“I received a message from Lieutenant Bromhead, commanding the Company 24th Regiment at the Camp near the Commissariat Stores, asking me to come up at once.
I gave the order to inspan, strike tents, put all stores, &c., into the wagon, and at once rode up to the Commissariat Store and found that a note had been received from the 3rd Column to state that the enemy were advancing in force against our post, which we were to strengthen and hold at all costs. ”
John. R. M. Chard,
Lieut R.E.
Given time it would have taken to ride up to the Store and back I am inclined to side towards the collapsing of the tents only.In time I plan to use them as markers in other Zulu war or Sudan games to replace the camp tents should the camp be over run. To that end I’m sure in time they will be of use in a Isandlwana game in the future
When I finally get around to buying another four of the rendra tents think I shall make another four of the collapsed bell tents to go with them.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Garden Walls, Meelie Bag defences, and Kraal’s
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Cookhouse ,Latrine and Privy
The first building I made was the cookhouse this was made from hurculite plaster with Linka moulds and is a sealed unit. This building came out alright and will properly make it onto the table for the game. I really like linka for buildings as after purchasing the moulds the wall pieces are relatively cheap to make and being made of plaster are easy to cut, sand down etc.
It was clear while making this building that linka on its own would not be strong enough for the large buildings, or for that matter small building with removable roofs for placing figures into. So after a bit of thinking another building was attempted to deal with the problems highlighted with the first building, the second experiment involved foamcore walls with linka cladding.
This building has been left with out flooring or roof for some time just to see how the walls themselves stand up to wear and tear and after a few months of kicking around the outhouse / workroom and then being given to my son for his Fallout game the result is in, The build is strong enough for the building of the storehouse and Hospital.
Another small building that was attempted to try out the teddy bear fur ”Thatch" technique was a latrine. My thinking was that the drift being a staging post for the column plus it being used prier to the columns arrival as a Church there was a good chance that a latrine may have been built.
But it seems I was wrong, although I have not found any accounts as to the size and build of the WC at the drift most plans and diagrams show a small privy, so yesterday I made a Privy
So with all the small buildings having been made I can now start work on the main buildings.
all for now Terry
The plan for the next post is the making of the Meelie bag wall, the garden wall and the small and large kraal,s
Rorkes Drift Wagons
I went with the traditional Boer red and green colour scheme for the Boer wagons. For the general service wagon I went with vallajo military green. Having only found pictures of general service wagons in this ww1 Green colour scheme and having found no data in my books as to the colour of the British army livery during this period I went with what I could find.
Some of the pictures of the Boer and general sevice wagons that I used for colour reference can be found at the following links :
Boer Wagon
General Service Wagon
Sunday, 13 February 2011
General Service Wagon Mk1 Royal Engineers

General Service Wagon Mk1 Royal Engineers, originally uploaded by MrTeld.
Today I have managed to finish the construction of the last of the wagons for the Rorkes Drift game,all three still require painting but I feel quite pleased as this is another thing I can tick off the list of scenic requirments for the scenario.
I plan on using this one in the Rorkes Drift game for the abandoned Royal Engineers wagon that was left outside the defensive perimeter on the other side of the rough stone Kraal.
As to the question of authenticity, well I have no idea if the Wagon General Service mk 1 R.E was used by Engineers in 1879 but it just made a nice touch.
Line drawings for a lot of victorian Artillery and Engineer transport can be found at the following link :
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Boer Ox Wagon number two
I managed to make another ox wagon yesterday, just got to look at what colour to paint it now. This one is of a slightly different design to the first one. I think I will just paint it and leave it without any oxen so it could be used for defensive positions, I may in time make enough of them to make a laager only time will tell.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
scratch build Boer wagon
Today I have been busy making the first of the scratch built Ox wagons. It took a little longer to make than I expected and is a little on the rough side but I have learned a good bit in the making of this one that will help when It comes to making the next one. Hoping to be able to make a couple more over the weekend.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
A few Rorke's Drift Characters
Commissariat and Transport Dept.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Because we're here, lad. Nobody else. Just us.