
Thursday, 24 February 2011

W.I.P the Storehouse

 I have not been able to spend much time on the project so far this week, but this evening I did pop into the workroom and made a start on the first of the main buildings for the Rorkes drift game.

Just the basic foamcore structure so far, I borrowed some silicone glue substitute  from my parents who make cards, and who recommend this glue for card craft as this was the ideal situation to give it a try on foamcore and see how it performed.
The glue is called Pin flair glue gel and it seems to be doing a good job. I have put it aside overnight to dry fully but the structure seamed quite solid after an hour when I went back to check that nothing had slipped out of place.
Tomorrow I will start the slow and painstaking part of the build, the cladding of the foamcore with the Linka sections; this may take a few days to do.

I will post an update in a few days

UPDATE 25th Feb : As I had to edit the post to insert the name of the glue I will take the opportunity to post a quick  update.  The glue has fully dried now and the bond is very good indeed I have removed all the pins that I used to hold it all in place while the glue dried, and there is no movement or loose joints. I will definitely look at buying a tube of this glue to see if it has other applications within  model making.


  1. Cheers Jeff, Still Much to do and a lot of things can still go wrong, but fingers crossed so far so good.
